Informational Notice from the PPHOA Board

We have had several lot owner violations and failure to pay annual dues the last several years and in the past 11 months we have been able to resolve almost all of the issues without legal action or any further expense.

Unfortunately, one of our lot owners that is substantially behind on dues, is now not paying the taxes. This has been ongoing for several years now and the county is in the position to Sale said tax’s and place a first position lien on the property. If this gets to that point, we will run the risk of losing our lien and all interest in this property. at this point we have two options, either to hire an attorney to deal with the tax dept and potentially file foreclosure against this lot owner and hope to eventually take possession of this lot and then hope that it sells. Currently at a loss due to the lot not being worth what our current lien is, not to mention the additional expenses incurred in this process. Option two is to walk away from the fight and not lose any more time and money to not gain in the end.

At this time an offer has been given to the board to consider releasing the lien for a reduced amount with the understanding that the current lot owner has agreed to transfer the ownership of the lot to a current PPHOA member. This New Owner will ensure all tax liabilities are paid immediately and also pay the agreed upon reduced lien settlement amount to PPHOA. They have also agreed to pay all filing expenses and fees to the county for clear title. This will immediately relieve PPHOA from any further liability and or loss from this property and it will once again be a positive revenue lot for the HOA, Sue has spent years and many, many hour making phone calls, sending letters, contacting the courthouse and filing liens to stay on top of this problem lot. So, we hope that everyone supports the board’s decision, and we can finally move forward with this matter.

The board will be meeting Immediately to determine their decision in this matter and we the Board want to be as transparent as we can to ensure any and all concerns are addressed. If anyone has questions, I can answer or concerns with this process please contact me Directly at 217-820-7625 Josh Assad PPHOA President. As long as we don’t have any compelling objections the board plans to move forward with this decision as early as Monday May 29th.